We all want to live a more eco friendly lifestyle, and we’re armed with information to help us make small changes in our homes to help preserve the planet. We share our easy to follow tips to have a more eco friendly home!


Reduce The Use Of Plastic Packaging

Think about how much plastic you end up with after a trip to the supermarket – probably half of the bin. Although most plastics are now recyclable, it’s best to avoid them if possible. You can do this by:

  • Buying loose fruit and vegetables from the supermarket, or going to the greengrocer
  • Take a reusable bag shopping with you
  • Look at zero waste shops locally – you can take your own storage boxes and jars
  • Any plastic that you have to use, remember to recycle!


Watch Your Water Usage

Companies now offer tap inserts which have easy to fit attachments, so you can limit your water flow when you turn on the tap, saving water and money.

Don’t turn the shower on before you get in (we can all be guilty of letting it run as we get undressed/brush out teeth) – you can also grab a waterproof shower timer so you don’t spend too long under the stream.


Get A Smart Meter

Many homes are switching over to a smart meter. You can see your current usage and make a plan on where to cut your energy as well as bills. Some more common examples are changing lightbulbs to energy efficient ones, turning off appliances, watching when you turn the washing machine or dishwasher on – it’s the little things that make all the difference!


Grow Your Own

Growing your own vegetables and herbs is so rewarding – and trust us, they taste so much better! Herbs are very easy to grow at home – you can grow these in a box on your window sill or in your garden. Grow them from seeds – or pick up a small plant from the local garden centre.

If you have a garden, why not place a small greenhouse so you can grow tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, courgettes, and so much more!

This will help you reduce plastic usage as many herbs and vegetables come in plastic packages at the supermarket, and emissions from planes which bring food to the UK.


Switch To Compostable Products

Where possible, switch to compostable products at home – some of these include bin liners and dog-waste bags. Compostable products disintegrate over time and don’t leave a trace.