The UK has been learning to live with COVID-19 for two years, with rules changing and guidance being updated on a frequent basis. We have kept an eye on the latest guidance for moving homes during COVID, and recently the Prime Minister announced that all remaining Covid restrictions in England could end later this month.

However, there are still rules and guidelines in place to help keep everyone safe during a house move – we highlight the updated rules in this article.


Can you view a property in person?

In England, as long as you have a recent negative test result for COVID, you can view a property in person. Take a lateral flow before going to any viewings to ensure you test negative. However there is an exception – if you are not fully vaccinated and you live with someone who has COVID, you are legally required to stay at home and isolate for 10 full days  if you don’t have negative results from two lateral flow tests taken a day apart.

In Scotland, if you have symptoms of COVID or test positive you need to isolate for 10 days. If you do not have a fever, and you test negative on two consecutive tests from day six and seven, you can end isolation early, and go to property viewings.

Hosting virtual viewings is advisable in Scotland and Wales, and can be a convenient way to show your home if you are worried about having strangers come in and out of your property.


Do you need to wear a face mask at viewings?

The legal requirements of wearing a mask in England have ended – however you must be respectful if the property owner asks you to do so, and follow the rules in their home. Some estate agents might also ask you to wear a mask on their premises.

In Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales, face masks are required in most public places.


As a property owner, can you ask people to wear a face mask during a viewing?

Yes absolutely! Whilst in England face masks are no longer a legal requirement, you make the rules in your own home and can ask anyone entering the home to wear a face covering. You can also ask you estate agent to ensure all viewers are wearing face masks inside your home.


Can contractors and tradespeople visit your home?

They sure can – as long as they test negative on a lateral flow test. You might want to sanitise the areas before and after their visit, and keep windows and doors open to ensure a flow of fresh air through the house.


Completion date is here – but you have tested positive. What do you do?

Delay the move until you have finished self-isolation. As inconvenient as it may be, most companies and solicitors have COVID clauses in contracts and are prepared to help you through the situation. The most important thing is to keep yourself and others safe during a house move, and to avoid spreading the virus.